Miss Dorsey’s middle school class planned a field trip on Wednesday, June 5th. As a class they drove to Hanover Insurance Park at Fitton Field as part of Holy Cross College. Upon arrival we got to meet Jake the Lion, the Braveheart’s mascot, as well as Tracks the Dog, the Railers mascot. We then were brought to our awesome seats right by the dug out. We sported sunglasses and our bright green baseball caps. In between innings we answered math questions about the baseball game: “What shape is first base?” and “Put the players jersey numbers in numerical order”, etc. We sang the national anthem, enjoyed a complimentary hot dog lunch and ate popcorn. Students were invited on to the field to play games and we cheered them on. Everyone at the park was kind, helpful and invested in us having an overall fun experience. We had a wonderful time and hope to go again next year! Go Bravehearts!